Flughund Steuer

The Flughund Steuer: The Future of Sex Toys?

With any of the toys sent to Carnal Chameleon headquarters for review, there are familiar questions that come to mind. “Can this be used vaginally/anally?”, “Is the toy body safe?”, “Is the toy good for partnered sex?” and of-course “Will it blend?”. When German company Farbwechsel sent us their newest toy, the “Flughund Steuer” we were faced with only one question. “How are we going to dispose of all our old sex toys now that the Flughund Steuer has rendered them Obsolete?”

Flughund Steuer and Condom

Flughund Steuer and Condom

The Day Man Cometh
When our package arrived from Farbwechsel we were blown away. Though the amazing multi-color, holographic packaging that contains the Flughund Steuer is hidden in a discreet plain cardboard box for shipping. Once revealed this unique packaging tantalized our eyeballs with its hypnotizing printed holographic effect. Though this doesn’t directly add to the sexual enjoyment of the toy, it’s a neat bonus that adds to the excitement of unpacking a new toy. We hope to see other toy companies follow suit with such amazing packaging. (Do to the reflective properties of the holographic effect, the packaging eluded our best attempts at photography so we are unable to include a picture).

We Get Materialistic
The Flughund Steuer makes use of an incredible new silicone formula that gives it the look of smooth wood wile keeping all the hypoallergenic properties of silicone. I mean just look at the pictures! Despite it’s firm appearance, the toy is actually quite gentle to the touch, giving away ever so slightly to your grip. The tip of the toy sports a removable metallic piece. Though Farbwechsel claims this ‘hook’ is great at assisting with w-spot orgasms, we had difficulty reaching the right spot. Lilly and I both found the ‘hook’ uncomfortable and chose to remove it for the remainder of our play sessions.

Flughund Steuer and Condom

Wear that Banana!

Checkout Those Curves
The most recognizable feature of the Flughund Steuer has got to be its defining curved shaft. In play sessions this curve hits “all the right places” and really adds to couples play. The flatness of the shaft also added a sensation that I couldn’t quite place, Lilly described it as being remarkably similar to the sensation of sliding a coin into a vending machine.

All Your Base Are Belong To Us
Though the Flughund Steuer does sport a wide base, anal insertion is not recommended. The base does, however, allow the toy to be used in a harness. Lilly and I had great fun experimenting with different positions with the toy supported in a harness. As many of you know, this is the only way of achieving the “Flying Goat” sex position that has been growing in popularity recently.

Flughund Steuer and Condom

With 2 D’s For a Double Dose of Dildos

Upgrayedd Attachment
Farbwechsel was kind enough to include the new “Upgrayedd” attachment with our Flughund Steuer. This upgrade, when released to the public will retail for about $30. Installing the “Upgrayedd” was simple, just pinch the base by it’s sides to reveal the up-link port, then plug the module in. The black and red wires are then run to the underside of the base for added sensitivity. The “Upgrayedd” seemed to have a solid connection to the base, but we decided to secure it with an extra rubber band just in case. Once installed the Flughund Steuer takes on new life, the curve bends with your movements and the pre-sense technology is really good at predicting your sexual gyrations.

Take Away
You need a Flughund Steuer, it is simply the most important sexual invention since the “Sloppy Salamander”. Farbwechsel has a version available for nearly every color and texture preference so be sure to check out their configuration page. We only have one suggestion for an improvement to the Flughund Steuer, it should come with free disposal of your old obsolete toys.

The Flughund Steuer was received  from Farbwechsel  free of charge in exchange for our honest review. The Flughund Steuer can be purchased from Farbwechsel here.

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