Fun Factory Bi Stronic Fusion Thruster: C’mon Ride the Train!

How I Imagine it Went Down

Fun Factory Bi Stronic Fusion

Rolling through the tunnel

Somewhere in Germany an engineer was taking a long scenic walk in the German countryside. Suddenly, from a tunnel barely visible in a nearby hill, many tons of fast moving metal materialized and zoomed across the landscape. The engineer admired the Transrapid bullet train as it passed, their mind churning through the science of magnetic powered transportation. They grinned as a new thought permeated their consciousness: “A bullet train would make an excellent sex toy”.

Fun Factory

Let’s face it, a train passing through a tunnel is already pretty sexual. However the crafty folks at Fun Factory have taken it a step further. By harnessing the science that makes Maglev trains go, they have created a pulsating, thrusting wonder: The Bi Stronic Fusion Pulsator. Lilly and I have had our eye on Fun Factory for quite a while, we love the sense of joy that their light-hearted, colorful toys bring to the table. Fun Factory offers friendly and approachable designs that simultaneously sport some serious innovation.

The Arrival

Fun Factory Bi Stronic Fusion

Now with force feedback!

When we received our Bi Stronic Fusion from Fun Factory, the first thing we did was giggle like little school girls (Yes, both of us). Then I put on a serious face and very seriously shook the box as if it were a birthday present from Aunt Agatha. Clearly the mystique and magic of a thrusting stronic toy preceded it’s arrival. Then we noticed a warning that you don’t often find on sex toys: “Do not use if you have a pacemaker”. It took us a moment before we realized that the culprit here is the large powerful magnets used in this toys unique locomotion, so keep that in mind if you are interested in this sort of toy. We then excitedly liberated the stronic from it’s cardboard prison and started the charging process.

Power to the People

The Bi Stronic Fusion charges through two metal contacts on it’s base. This helps keep the toy water resistant. The charging cord has matching magnetic contacts that produce a satisfying ‘click’ when you bring them close to the toys base. On the other end of the cord a USB connector. We searched the packaging in vein for a USB to wall socket connector, but it turns out you are on your own here. So we found an unused cellphone charger that some how managed to escape the mysterious wormhole jump to where-ever most of our cellphone chargers end-up, and started the charging process.

First Play-through

Fun Factory Bi Stronic Fusion

Click’n Power

After waiting for our Bi Stronic Fusion to charge with much the same patience as dogs waiting for food to fall from their masters plate, it was time for our first play-through. We admired the sleek, space-ship like design of the stronic. With lines flowing from it’s upturned tip, down the shaft to the protruding ‘rabbit ear’ that contains the vibe. The silicone meets with the plastic handle with precision that only German engineers produce so effortlessly.

I’d like to take a moment here and express our amazement with the vibrational intensity of the vibe in the rabbit ear. I had made the mistake of assuming that since the stronics main selling point is the thrusting motion that the vibrations would be an after-thought. Clearly Fun Factory takes no shortcuts.

The plastic base houses the three buttons for control. One each for cycling the thrust and vibe motors, and a function button. This last one is primarily for switching the toy on and off, but since Fun Factory likes to think of everything, you can program your favorite setup to be the default and even put the toy into an airline mode. (Since having the airport shut down because your suitcase started thrusting across the floor in front of the TSA is funny only ONCE).

Matters Dealing in Size

Lilly, the V.O.E 1 member of our duo was first up to ride the stronic train:

With being a petite person I have always found that the rabbit style toys don’t fit me 100%. The Bi Stronic Fusion unfortunately was a little big for me. Once inserted the vibrating ‘rabbit-ear’ flap was not quite in contact with my clit, rendering the vibes pointless. Instead I used my go to bullet vibe along with the stronic to receive the intended vibes. As of this writing it looks like Fun Factory have released other various sized thrusting toys (Including smaller ones) so I am looking forward to trying one of these.

Hand-held Threesome

Fun Factory Bi Stronic Fusion

Get a handle on control

I have always wanted to experience double penetration, it has been a serious fantasy of mine for a long time. Despite the fact that Max and I play with others, logistics have always made it a difficult feat to pull off. The stronic allowed me to experience double trusting penetration without the complexities of a third partner. With the stronic thrusting in my front, and Max thrusting in the back, I was one happy lady! Max tells me he could feel the thrusting through my inner walls to, so that’s a bonus!

A Bullet Train in Your Caboose

As the P.O.E 2 member of the team, my tail-end is my best option for experiencing the Bi Stronc Fusion. The matte textured silicone along the shaft is pleasant, but admittedly proved to be a little ‘sticky’ for anal insertion. As usual it takes me a lot of build up to get a toy the size of the stronic inserted. Once ‘installed’ and switched on, I was rewarded with the upturned tip jostling against my prostate. Worth the effort!

Fun Factory Bi Stronic Fusion

Bi Stronic With Party Hat

Take Away

The Bi Stronic Fusion is not going to take the place of a thrusting penis attached to a human, but that’s not the point. We were disappointed that it didn’t come with a USB wall charger, but I suppose this feature allows the same packaging to be compatible around the world. We both found the Bi Stronic a tad large for our tastes, but smaller sizes have already become available. In a world of vibrations the Fun Factory Stronic design thrusts past the crowd and offers a new sensation. When it comes to fun in the bedroom mixing it up is the key, So go ahead and put a bullet train between your legs and enjoy the journey to climax town. Population: you.

We received the Bi Stronic Fusion free of charge from Fun Factory in exchange for our honest review. The Bi Stronic Fusion can be purchased from Fun Factory Here.

Fun Factory Bi Stronic Fusion Illustration

The manual has the best illustrations ever


  1. Vagina owning entity.
  2. Penis owning entity.
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